The more you increase the number of Kute to braid a wider braid, the more difficult it becomes to handle them. It is even harder when you have the same color threads next to each other. To solve this problem, we attach “foot thread” between Kute and thread.
For example, when I made Horyuji Bansuishoku, I had 4 red threads in a row. So I attached 3 foot threads of different tones of blue and a green. Ideally it should be 4 different tones of the same color, but I only had 3 tones of blue and I added a green.
Other than differentiating the same color threads, foot thread has at least two more merits. The second merit is that foot thread absorbs the twists of threads. When you braid a long braid, twisting threads to the same direction, the threads become strongly tight. The foot thread absorbs the twist and the threads can be kept nice and relaxed. Foot thread should be made, therefore, with a bunch of fine threads like embroidery floss.
The video shows how to attach foot thread using what is called “Lark’s Knot” in Japanese. It is amazing that a single knot can keep a long thread and foot thread together so firmly.
The third merit is the easy length adjustment. While you braid, you sometimes notice that some threads are longer than others. It happens when you have different kinds of threads (especially metallic threads) or when some threads move longer distance than others. To make a longer thread shorter, you only have to pull the thread and make another knot. In this way, you can adjust the length of threads without unknoting anything.
Like anything else, foot thread has a demerit. It naturally makes the threads longer, making it harder to braid. Therefore, the length of foot thread should be around 10cm.
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