
縄連組、山形文、矢羽文、二条軸一間組、ささなみ組 Joren-gumi, chevron, sasanami


法隆寺献納宝物のにも付いていて、その幡の様式から7世紀後半から8世紀前半に作られた、と特定できるそうです(「日本の美術1 No.308 組紐」)。正倉院にもあります。聖徳太子が剣を吊るしておられる帯も、この組み方だと思われます。



ビデオでは、一番外側のループを中央に持ってきてから、全てのループを中央に向けて半回転させていました。反対に、中央のループを外側に持ってきてから、全てのループを中央に向けて半回転させると、矢羽の向きが反対になります。これを組み合わせると、唐組 (または幡垂飾)になります。


These braids have many names.  Masako Kinosita calles it 「2方向斜行縄連組織平一枚組紐」 or 「2方向斜行縄連組織組紐」 for short.  I make it much shorter and call it Joren-gumi.
Joren-gumi can be found attached to a Ban from Horyuji Dedication Treasure and can be identified as being made between mid 7th century and mid 8th century (「日本の美術 (Art in Japan) 1 No.308 組紐 (Kumihimo)」.  It is also included in treasures from Shosoin.  The belt Prince Shotoku is wearing in his famous portrait to suspend the sword is perhaps Joren-gumi.

You half-turn all the loops and a loop goes through them.  The braid is so sturdy that you can hang a sword.  Ideal for handles of a bag.

I show you how to braid Joren-gumi in the video.

In the video, I bring the outmost loops to the center and I half-turn all the loops inward.  If you bring the center loops to outmost and half-turn all the loops inward, you can get chevrons up-side-down.  By combining the two techniques, you can make Bansuishoku or Karakumi.

The top wide braid has two ridges.  Duet braiders exchange the inner loops.  I did it solo using the Kute Rest Stand.  I braided this one a few years ago, and you can see a mistake in the left part involving a yellow and green threads.  At that time, I did not know to “undo and redo” yet.


80ループ幡垂飾 80-loop Bansuishoku





The longest Bansuishoku I can braid currently is 105cm.  I want to know my limit of width.  So I challenged 80 loops. 

I used the left-over of Hamanaka Aprico from last April that I made 56-loop Bansuishoku with, and Cotton Queen light blue and red.  Since I was dealing with so many loops, I tried to be very careful.  Especially I decided to “do it right the first time” when I attached threads to foot-threads. 

Once I started braiding, the work itself was not so different from 56-loop.  Only when I found a mistake a few rows earlier, undoing job was much heavier than 56-loop.  Threads move so dynamically to right and to left, that I had to undo the parts far-away from my mistaken part.  That was a good lesson.  I could understand how threads move, dive and reappear.  As always, you have to be able to undo mistakes in order to fully understand braiding.  Anyone can braid, but you need experience and knowledge to find and correct your mistakes.  It is a good lesson of life. 

If you look at the photo closely, you will notice that the light green thread is loose when it makes X cross.  That is my problem.  I tighten it very hard, but after a few rows, it becomes loose.  I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to solve this.