法隆寺献納宝物の幡にも付いていて、その幡の様式から7世紀後半から8世紀前半に作られた、と特定できるそうです(「日本の美術1 No.308 組紐」)。正倉院にもあります。聖徳太子が剣を吊るしておられる帯も、この組み方だと思われます。
ビデオでは、一番外側のループを中央に持ってきてから、全てのループを中央に向けて半回転させていました。反対に、中央のループを外側に持ってきてから、全てのループを中央に向けて半回転させると、矢羽の向きが反対になります。これを組み合わせると、唐組 (または幡垂飾)になります。
These braids have many names. Masako Kinosita calles it 「2方向斜行縄連組織平一枚組紐」 or 「2方向斜行縄連組織組紐」 for short. I make it much shorter and call it Joren-gumi.
Joren-gumi can be found attached to a Ban from Horyuji Dedication Treasure and can be identified as being made between mid 7th century and mid 8th century (「日本の美術 (Art in Japan) 1 No.308 組紐 (Kumihimo)」. It is also included in treasures from Shosoin. The belt Prince Shotoku is wearing in his famous portrait to suspend the sword is perhaps Joren-gumi.
You half-turn all the loops and a loop goes through them. The braid is so sturdy that you can hang a sword. Ideal for handles of a bag.
I show you how to braid Joren-gumi in the video.
In the video, I bring the outmost loops to the center and I half-turn all the loops inward. If you bring the center loops to outmost and half-turn all the loops inward, you can get chevrons up-side-down. By combining the two techniques, you can make Bansuishoku or Karakumi.
The top wide braid has two ridges. Duet braiders exchange the inner loops. I did it solo using the Kute Rest Stand. I braided this one a few years ago, and you can see a mistake in the left part involving a yellow and green threads. At that time, I did not know to “undo and redo” yet.