
源氏打 BBCCとにせ源氏打 BBDD


6-6 ①②①②①②  ②①②①②①
         ②①②①②①  ①②①②①②


The last combination of Kuteuchi Basic Movements A, B, C, D is BBDD.  This is the example from “Introduction to Kute-uchi Kumihimo Technique”.

6-6 ①②①②①②  ②①②①②①
         ②①②①②①  ①②①②①②

This is one of my favorites.  I made a camera strap and others with BBCC.  In the photo, from the center I started with BBCC and changed in the middle to BBDD.  Though it is hard to see, the same pattern appears on the back and in the front of the braid, but in the opposite colors forming negative-positive contrast.





赤系4色 8-7 ④④①①①①②②  ④④③③③②②
紫系7色 8-7 ⑦①①②②③③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
赤緑黄 8-7  ②①②①②①②①  ③③③③③③③

グレーピンク白  山道 8-7  ②①②①②①②③  ①③①③①③①
                                                   ①①①①①①①①  ①①①①①①①

上3本はすべて単色ループですが、4本目の白グレーピンクは、2色ループと単色ループの両方を使っています。 実は全く違ったものを想定していたのですが、結果はこうなりました。嬉しい誤算です。2色ループは、「閉」で上下の色が変わるので、私の頭で考えた通りには行かない点が、面白くもあり、憎らしいところです。「山道」という名前も素敵ですね。

We try a wide braid AADC today.  To compare the difference from AADD, I used almost the same color threads.

It is amazing.  We get a completely different pattern by changing the 4th movement from “D: cross” to “C: open”.  The finished braid is wider than AADD and therefore thinner.  The color arrangements are as follows: 

4 reddish colors 8-7   ④④①①①①②②  ④④③③③②②

7 purplish colors 8-7     ⑦①①②②③③③  ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④

Red,Yellow,Green 8-7     ②①②①②①②①  ③③③③③③③

Grey,Pink,White, Mountain Path 8-7 ②①②①②①②③  ①③①③①③①
                                                               ①①①①①①①①  ①①①①①①①

The top 3 braids are made with single-color loops, and the forth with single- and bi-color loops.  In fact, I planed to make a completely different pattern, but got this.  It was a nice surprise!  For me, bi-color loops are difficult to foresee the results because they change colors each time loops are twisted, which is interesting and troublesome.  The pattern name, “Mountain Path” is beautiful.

8-7 means 8 loops in the left hand, 7 loops in the right hand. 


修多羅(しゅたら) Sutra




帰ってから、「修多羅」をインターネットで調べてみると、元のサンスクリット語は、スートラ sutraで、元々は糸、織物の経糸を意味したものが、経典を意味するようになったそうです。スートラを中国語に翻訳するときに、音訳したのが「修多羅」、意訳したのが「経」です。





One day in October, I went to the Kyoto National Museum to see the National Treasure Exhibition.  Among others, there was a priest’s garment decoration called “sutra 修多羅”.  It is a complicated knotted kumihimo.  The photo is a priest with a sutra attending a big memorial service.

I looked up the word 修多羅 on internet and learned that 修多羅 is the transliteration of the Sanskrit word “sutra” into Chinese whereas more familiar word 経 is the free translation of the same word.  I also learned that “sutra” meant in ancient India a thread, string or warp. 

How did the word meaning thread come to mean sutra?  It is explained in many ways, most of which are very interesting and complicated.  As far as I understood, sutra (warp) is an eternalness piercing through past, present and future, while various aphorisms, rules, thoughts and logics are woven as a weft.  The whole textile is the accumulated wisdom of mankind.

So the sutra was a warp!  I have been interested in Buddhism, and I was amazed because the topic suddenly turned into something familiar to me, like thread, weaving, and string!  It reminds me that for some time I have been wondering that Text and Textile should be somehow related.  The answer might be hidden in this story of sutra.

Then why did sutra come to mean a garment decoration for a priest?  Perhaps it is made with a kumihimo, threads, the original meaning of sutra.

It was an extremely inspiring day in Kyoto.