
修多羅(しゅたら) Sutra




帰ってから、「修多羅」をインターネットで調べてみると、元のサンスクリット語は、スートラ sutraで、元々は糸、織物の経糸を意味したものが、経典を意味するようになったそうです。スートラを中国語に翻訳するときに、音訳したのが「修多羅」、意訳したのが「経」です。





One day in October, I went to the Kyoto National Museum to see the National Treasure Exhibition.  Among others, there was a priest’s garment decoration called “sutra 修多羅”.  It is a complicated knotted kumihimo.  The photo is a priest with a sutra attending a big memorial service.

I looked up the word 修多羅 on internet and learned that 修多羅 is the transliteration of the Sanskrit word “sutra” into Chinese whereas more familiar word 経 is the free translation of the same word.  I also learned that “sutra” meant in ancient India a thread, string or warp. 

How did the word meaning thread come to mean sutra?  It is explained in many ways, most of which are very interesting and complicated.  As far as I understood, sutra (warp) is an eternalness piercing through past, present and future, while various aphorisms, rules, thoughts and logics are woven as a weft.  The whole textile is the accumulated wisdom of mankind.

So the sutra was a warp!  I have been interested in Buddhism, and I was amazed because the topic suddenly turned into something familiar to me, like thread, weaving, and string!  It reminds me that for some time I have been wondering that Text and Textile should be somehow related.  The answer might be hidden in this story of sutra.

Then why did sutra come to mean a garment decoration for a priest?  Perhaps it is made with a kumihimo, threads, the original meaning of sutra.

It was an extremely inspiring day in Kyoto.

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