赤系4色 8-7 ④④①①①①②② ④④③③③②②
紫系7色 8-7 ⑦①①②②③③③ ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
赤緑黄 8-7 ②①②①②①②① ③③③③③③③
グレーピンク白 山道 8-7 ②①②①②①②③ ①③①③①③①
①①①①①①①① ①①①①①①①
上3本はすべて単色ループですが、4本目の白グレーピンクは、2色ループと単色ループの両方を使っています。 実は全く違ったものを想定していたのですが、結果はこうなりました。嬉しい誤算です。2色ループは、「閉」で上下の色が変わるので、私の頭で考えた通りには行かない点が、面白くもあり、憎らしいところです。「山道」という名前も素敵ですね。
We try a wide braid AADC today. To compare the difference from AADD, I used almost the same color threads.
It is amazing. We get a completely different pattern by changing the 4th movement from “D: cross” to “C: open”. The finished braid is wider than AADD and therefore thinner. The color arrangements are as follows:
4 reddish colors 8-7 ④④①①①①②② ④④③③③②②
7 purplish colors 8-7 ⑦①①②②③③③ ⑦⑥⑥⑤⑤④④
Red,Yellow,Green 8-7 ②①②①②①②① ③③③③③③③
Grey,Pink,White, Mountain Path 8-7 ②①②①②①②③ ①③①③①③①
①①①①①①①① ①①①①①①①
The top 3 braids are made with single-color loops, and the forth with single- and bi-color loops. In fact, I planed to make a completely different pattern, but got this. It was a nice surprise! For me, bi-color loops are difficult to foresee the results because they change colors each time loops are twisted, which is interesting and troublesome. The pattern name, “Mountain Path” is beautiful.
8-7 means 8 loops in the left hand, 7 loops in the right hand.
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