
1メートルの幡垂飾でショルダーバッグ 1 meter Bansuishoku for a shoulder bag

長い幡垂飾に挑戦しようと、140cmの糸を用意しました。半分の70cmにクテと足糸をつけると、92cm。 近視の私には、92cm先の組み目がよく見えません。何度か失敗して、なんとか数段組みました。編み物もそうですが、最初が難しいですね。あとは割合上手く進みました。最後まで組んで、反対側を始めるのも苦労でした。糸をピンと張らないと正しく組まれているのか解らないが、ピンと張るには遠くから引っ張らなければならず、そこからは組み目がよく見えない、という状況です。片手で糸を遠くへひっぱりつつ、組み目を覗き込む、それを左右繰り返す、という動作が続きます。手足のよい体操になりました。




For my next challenge to braid a long Bansuishoku, I prepared 140cm-long Cotton King threads.  Folded in half, added Kute and Foot Thread, the total length is 92cm.  With my short-sighted eyes, I could not see the braided parts clearly.  After some failures, I managed to braid several rows.  Like knitting, the starting part is the most difficult.  The rest went well.  When I finished the first half, I turned the braid upside down and started the other half.  Again, it was not easy.  You have to keep the threads tight to check the braided parts, but to tighten the thread you have to be away from the braided parts, and you cannot see very well.  While pulling away the threads with one hand, I checked the braided part closely, and do the same on the other side.  I repeated these movements.  It was a good hand and feet exercise. 

I used 20 loops.  The finished braid was 105cm long and 22mm wide. 

I attached the finished Bansuishoku to a shoulder bag which I made using a pattern I found in a textbook of NHK “Sutekini Handmade” from last year.  The material is Sakiori I made some years ago and Obi (kimono sash) material.  Instead of a snap fastener at the top of inside, I used another braid, 10-loop AADD.

Bansuishoku is always elegant and beautiful with any color combinations.

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