On the page 43 of “Exploring the Braids of the Andes” by Ms. Yoshie Aoyagi, which I introduced in my last post, there are instructions on how to braid a flat braid with free-end. I tried this braid. You tie 24 threads and fix the knot with a clip to a board. The other ends are loose, which was hard for me. I am used to pulling kute tight. Perhaps my tightening was not good enough, the finished braid has irregular stitches.
Then I tried braiding with kute. Like in the book, I prepared 24 threads, eg. 12 kute. You take the left-end kute (operating kute) and it goes over 2 kute and under 2 kute. In the end you have one kute left on the right hand. The operating kute goes over that last kute. Then you turn the operating kute once and place it to the right-end.
I found a good point about this method. Till now, I always used odd-numbered kute for Nikoshi flat braid. Nikoshi means over 2 threads. The braid has a stitch over 3 threads on one side of the center, which stands out. However, with even-numbered kute, you have a stitch over 1 thread on one side of the center and a one over 2 threads on the other side, which is less outstanding than a stitch over 3 threads.
On the page 43 in Ms. Aoyagi’s book, her teacher starts from left by going over one thread and then over 2 so that you have nice and regular stitches in the center. I was impressed to learn that with such a small care, you can have much better results.
The photo above shows from the top to the bottom 24 threads free-end, 12 kute and 13 kute.